
After a terrible night's sleep - or rather little sleep, college felt like hard work today.

I have worked myself up into a nicely overwhelmed state once again - Brownie camp, exams, adult ed planning as well as the family daily nonsense. Too much procrastination and not enough doing, then guilt, then panic...

As my glass is generally half full, I am keeping hold of the fact that my project was done months ago so I haven't got that hanging over me too!

Smallest had his latest heart check up today with the Bristol Consultant. She oversees Dr Sam who (whom?) we met at Treliske a few months ago as Truro doesn't have paediatric cardiology officially. She was very happy and interestingly, more 'concerned' about the hole than the valve. Anyhow, she will see him again in 18mths and apparently praised him for being a model patient!

Back Up Parent enjoyed his role as Default Parent today. Muckies breakfast, park and ride, Friends Cafe and so on. I am not sure this is to be encouraged too much although it was again fab to come home to tea being prepared!

We decided to tackle the monumental burning pile this evening, despite the bottom falling out of our fire bin. Unbelievably, that pile is much smaller than it was when we started! New bin to be purchased tomorrow as I think there's a few more fires to be had...

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