Today was all about me...........

This morning, after my walk, Ann said, ‘Molly shall we go out for the day?   You’ve been a very good little collie considering your daily routine has been disrupted while I have been doing big Edinburgh flat refurbishment things’  And then Ann out went onto the balcony and started reading trashy magazines in the sunshine!

Obviously as I am a dog I never reply to Ann……………

Eventually we went out for half a day?!  First we went to Corstorphine Hill.  We’ve never, ever been to Corstorphine Hill.  What a brilliant place for a little collie to have a good run about.  There’s loads of paths and woodland.  So much so, that Ann got totally disorientated and didn’t have a clue where we were.  It was actually quite eerie.  It’s a huge place and there was hardly anyone else about.  Eventually we met a dog walker who was walking about 8 dogs but Ann didn’t like to tell him we were lost and ask directions to the car park in case he was a murderer in disguise?? Ann chatted to him about the pros & cons of professional dog walking. Always looking for interesting ways to make money and if Ann was a dog walker I’d get loads of extra walks.  ..........And talking about making money……………  walked past a charity shop today because Morningside Road only seems to contain coffee shops and charity shops and there was a big tin of buttons in the window saying, ‘buttons only 10p each’???  I suppose if you’re looking for a particular type of button, then 10p a button isn’t very much but if you wanted to buy the whole tin of buttons it would cost a fortune?!!  We have an old tin of buttons that used to belong to Ann’s Gran.  Another money making venture???

Anyway, next we went to Cramond because Ann was hungry and she knew she’d be able to have lunch outside at the 'Cramond Falls Café' and I got another walk along the river and was able to do quite a lot of splish, splash, sploshing.

Back to the flat and I had to stay ‘home alone’ but that was OK because I’d been out for about 5/6 hours by then and needed snooze time.   Ann gave her friend Joanna a quick tour of our empty flat and then they disappeared to the 'Merlin' for a snack tea and a couple of glasses of wine.  Ann, not Joanna, cos she was driving and was also heading off to choir practice!!

……….And now we’re both tired so we’ll probably have an early night.

Soooo, sooo happy that the big Edinburgh flat refurbishment is now actually happening.  But panicking because we’ve spent the whole day having fun???!!!  Yay!



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