
By bananablip

Sunbeams and serenading

It's been a funny old day today. I found out this morning that a girl who was in Zambia at the same time as me and moved back around the same time as me had passed away yesterday after a very short battle with cancer. It's weird, we barely knew each other but I've had this strange feeling today whenever I've thought about her. I'm sure lots of people who've lost people at a younger age than they should have done will relate to this, just a strange feeling to compute...that the person doesn't exist in this world anyone. I can't really explain it very well. Anyway that, and watching the Hillsborough documentary before work, has left me very melancholic.

Aside from that, the sun has shone and it's been a good day. School was ace. I did an activity about spreading a message which culminated in 30 five year olds shouting 'Malesi loves peanut butter' at the top of their voices. Andy tried a pun on the kids and it was the most hilarious tumbleweed moment ever. He made up for us by serenading us and getting the kids to help finish writing his songs.

An ice-lolly and a walk after dinner to finish the day.

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