Very foggy morning, but by the time I emerged from hours of chat with CheeseLady in the school office (and a very small amount of bill paying) it was bright and sunny.
Lunch time saw a meeting that I did not want to go to, which was abysmally handled by the person whose meeting it was. I really don't know how many times I can remind folk how legal stuff works, and how careful you have to be. Hopefully I rowed us back to the island of 'not being sued'...
Lots of admin dealt with today, and more seedlings processed in the shed. Into town this afternoon with the kids to buy a host of presents for TallGirl to take on her exchange visit to Spain next week, and some shoes (finally) for TG.
I don't generally like these plants, but have conceded local wisdom that they keep flies and mosquitos away. We'll see how that goes.
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