Another Beautiful Day

By drewzealand

'Choose your weapon'

In the aftermath of the shooting in Denver I carry on with the ABSURDITY of the gun laws in America. Here we have ONE dangerous item and one not so dangerous - as declared by the United States Government.
One is made of milk chocolate and filled with a little toy
the other is stainless steel filled with gunpowder and bullets.
One can kill many people at one time the other can give you a face full of zits.
One can be bought on any street corner and one is not even allowed into America,as it is deemed illegal and too dangerous!
There is probably a gun in every second home in America and yet you are not allowed to have a chocolate with a toy in it
Stupid is as Stupid Does
C'mon guys you're smarter than that.
Its not to say we haven't had our issues with guns too.

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