My changing life

By Shelley2011


Today was Melodys party! We had a great day! The morning was making sandwiches, oven baking veg, etc and then the fam arrived 10.30! We were shocked! Usually they are late! But everyone pitched in and helped.
Then we went to the park and set up and everyone arrived at 12 - we had 63 people come! We had a great time, pimms and punch, ball pit, paddling pool, toys, rocking horse and everyone bought lots of gifts which we haven't opened yet! Melody had a lovely time, she had a baby cake and my 60 cupcakes went down well. There were 4 left at the end and zac and Libby went round the park selling them and balloons! The party finished at 3 but lots of ppl stayed until later and we didn't leave til 7ish - happy days :)

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