Office to Office
Dyn ni jyst wedi cynnal ein cyfarfod olaf yn Aro Ling Caerdydd. Agoron ni'r Canolfan ym mis Medi 2013 a ro'n ni wedi mwynhau ein hamser yna, ond nawr, rhaid i ni adael. Pan ffeindion ni'r lle, roedd e'n swyddfa a nawr mae'n mynd i fod swyddfa eto. Dyn ni wedi bwcio peintiwr i baentio'r waliau gwyn yr wythnos nesa. Yn y cyfamser, byddwn ni agor Aro Ling newydd.
David Bowie - Office to Office Ashes To Ashes
We have just held our last meeting Aro Ling Cardiff. We opened the center in September 2013 and we've enjoyed our time there, but now we have to leave. When we found the place it was an office and now it's going to be an office again. We've booked a painter to paint the walls white next week. In the meantime, we will open a new Aro Ling.
David Bowie - Office to Office Ashes To Ashes
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