My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Mr Robin

Can't believe we've lived in our house for 4 years today! It still feels like a new house at times.

It was a tough night last nigh after Baby L's injections yesterday. Poor thing was inconsolable at times and we all got very little sleep.

Her temperature was down by mid-morning but she wasn't feeling quite right. We did go to baby massage today but in hindsight I shouldn't have gone. Baby L had a bit of a meltdown almost as soon as we arrived and I spent the whole class just giving her a cuddle and we left early. I found she has a big bruise on her thigh where the Men B was given. These jabs are a necessary evil and we just have to ride the storm.

When we got home she slept for around 90 minutes so I hope this is the start of normality returning. Fingers crossed for tonight.

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