Looking out

It's another beautiful morning and I've been wandering around with my Nikon and 300mm, taking in the flora and fauna. There were so many colorful things flying about, but my eye was drawn to a small cat looking out at the wide world beyond that pane of glass. 

For the Record,
This day came in cold, but warming and so bright and sunny. I'm going out to breakfast soon with very old pals, my former teaching partner and our shared kindergarten aide from the 70s. It's already been a fun morning, hugging and chatting it up with a grade school and high school friend who stopped by when he saw me wandering round with my camera. He owns a firm up the street and was headed to work. He's still having fun, no plans to retire. We've been out of high school 49 years this June, we can't believe it!

All hands healing.

Remembering Molly

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