...and baby makes 3

By babysoukup

Happy Mother's Day to all the mamas out there. It is the hardest and best job there is. It is humbling and exhausting and rewarding and constantly motivating me to be a better person. I had a great day celebrating with my family and celebrating my mom. This morning I snuck out for a stroller-free run before coming home for coffee and all my babies in bed for books and cartoons. Miss Emma fell asleep in our bed which was dreamy ;) She is typically not a snuggler.
After that quick nap we went to downtown Vancouver to meet my parents for a walk and then lunch. After, we went to Mimi's house to plant her zinnias for her before coming back for the girls nap and I left to get a pedicure. Which of course was ruined the second I got home when Miles stepped on my toes. Oh well ;)
Here is me with my mama before lunch today. A year ago we moved back to Vancouver to help out my parents...but it turns out we can't get through a week without their help. Thank you mama so much for everything. Love you!!
Extra pictures are with me and each of my babies. Thank you Mitch for making this day for perfect and thoughtful.

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