Day 130 of 366 - Dandelion Clock!
Today's image is my take on a close up of a Dandelion Clock. The photo was taken in my back garden, just before mowing the lawn. I don't have any macro lenses but still tried to capture details in the Dandelion Clock along with a blurred background.
The photo was taken using the App Camera+ on my iPhone 6.
First I used the Retouch feature of the app Handy Photo to delete the second empty dandelion stem. I also cropped the image into a square. Next I used the app Snapseed to edit the image. I added the Tonal contrast preset. I then boosted the saturation, vibrance and contrast of the image. I also used the Lens Blur filter to help with the shallow depth of field. I then used the app Tangled FX to apply the Small Details preset to help boost the details in the Dandelion. Finally I used PhotoToaster to add the Sunset preset, the Vibrant FX, a small dark vignette. I then added the Shadow II frame.
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