Fun in the sun

It's been another scorcher here today and we made the most of it. We walked P to school and it was lovely and warm even at 8:30.

A and I then went for a bike ride after finishing my jobs. He wasn't much interested in riding his bike though and preferred to run everywhere. We stopped at the park and A had fun on the swings and slide.

After lunch we got the paddling pool out again. A was fascinated with the hose pipe and liked watching the water going into the pool. He had a good splash about as I tried to plant some grass seed on the bare patches of lawn.

We walked to get P this afternoon. A zonked out in his pushchair and missed out on ice creams on the way home!

I went to parents evening at nursery tonight. A is doing really well and they are happy at how he has settled into his new room. All of his development seems spot on and they are happy with his progress. They mentioned that he has good hand eye coordination and he is learning his shapes, colours, numbers etc easily. One very happy, proud mummy.

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