
One of 'those' days - started with a meeting at school about Smallest *sigh*. I've got this t-shirt and really don't want another.

Home to start prep for tomorrow's teaching but via Lidl to pick up 'snacks' as I'm back in childcare after school - both tonight and Wednesday this week!

Quick pop to the vet to get Fatty Pands weighed - she's still getting lighter :-D then gone again to carry on planning. Fortunately the rain meant doing anything other than sitting at a desk was less appealing.

Out for 'work' (there really is no future in it), on to drop the middle offspring at swimming, home to feed Smallest (thanks to Eldest for cooking his stuffed pasta) then back out to collect middles.

On the way home we watched the waves crashing in to the Castle Beach Huts. Apparently it is still summer elsewhere I the country but we appear to have bypassed it and headed straight into autumn...

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