
A trip into town to buy something I've longed coveted.
A matinée at the Cameo.
A walk into Stockbridge for yaki soba and gyoza.
Many cherry blossoms.
Some ice cream from a new shop in town.
A chat with Dr T about flats.
A walk home along the beach,

The haar eventually partially burned away but has left a coldness, an emptiness.

I have nothing to moan about. Please watch this video about leaving Fort McMurray -
There's an old joke that goes something like this:
Q. How do you get 100 Canadians out of a swimming pool?
A. You say 'Please leave the swimming pool.'

This approach has led to the safe evacuation of over 80,000 people with, I think, only one death. The fire is beyond Hollywood proportions. Everyone in my home province seems to be doing something to help from university students in Edmonton setting up study sessions and tutoring for Grade 12 students about to sit exams to newly settled Syrian refugees in Calgary offering to help those fleeing the fire.

Please let everyone be safe.

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