Comfortably Cushioned

This cushion was made for Asha by the wonderment that is Mountainbrew...when we lived in Guildford, she & Asha chose these materials together...then last week when she & Tom visited, she brought this amazing creation with her! Asha insisted on bringing it to the UK with her to show her grandparents. 
Mom's first full day at home, her migraines were less intense, so that's good...hopefully she'll recover better here. 
Coffee in the morning with friends who used to live in Ibiza, good to catch up with them...then an early night for us all in anticipation of a 4,30am get up to fly home!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) This beautiful cushion & the woman who made it.
2) Time with the Smiths...we rarely see each other these days, so it was good to squeeze in a coffee.
3) Mom being at good to see her back where she belongs...Asha enjoyed some time lying in bed with her! Glad go home knowing Mom's waaaay better than a few weeks ago.

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