A concrete love affair

By PhotoIain

42 today

6th of May is always a difficult day as it would have been my friend Stewart's birthday. Today would have been his 42nd, the fifth birthday he has missed. He was the most talented, committed and creative person Ive ever know. His work as a photographer and filmmaker were outstanding and a testament to his inovation. Already an expert in everything he cared for, it was never enough, there was always something new to learn. A fantastic friend he is dearly missed by so many. 

After visiting Stewart's final resting place, which is tended for beautifully by his parents. I went for an afternoon at a nearby woodland. The bluebells are beautifully in bloom, Stoo loved the spring and loved a woodland walk. He's also be most amused I'd even think of taking a photo like this!!

 In the spring I think of Stewart, everyday I think of Stewart. 

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