horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Oh Good Reef...

Parting is such sweet sorrow… Early start to make the ferry from Uig to Tarbert for Holiday part two, which saw a stop just off the ferry terminal for Mel to get some Harris Gin, before a trip to Stornoway for provisions (including a mountain of cheese from a cracking deli for my birthday dinner tomorrow), then a meanderly drive to Carnish, where we find the cottage is bigger than expected, with stunning views, though no internet of its own*, and as we found out later, no ice trays or ice already in the freezer**…

The lack of internet causes problems with some own-time legal work I was doing, as well as not being able to Blip ‘live’, and with only an intermittent mobile reception, it would appear my 40th birthday may pass off even more quietly than anticipated, with folk not able to get in touch….

* the place we’re staying is owned by the folk who also own a restaurant and guesthouse, which is 50-60 metres across the road, and which our info pack tells us has wifi we’re welcome to use, which we can’t help but feel is a ruse to get you to go there for a meal, but we did that the last time we stayed in the area, and while it certainly wasn’t unpleasant, you expect a French chef to be able to cook a steak rare as ordered…

** fortunately Mel had taken some ice cube ‘bags’, which are now in the freezer, but not in time to form ice for a G&T.

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