Guess mine is not the first heart broken...

And then, Pebbles no more.

Landmarks come and go - on 23rd August last Year, himself and I celebrated the 29th anniversary of our fate being sealed in the doors of this building...

It looked a lot different then; and it looked a lot different as late as last week.  

I almost crashed the car as I drove past and my eye caught the marine blue colour...

A Day Nursery it is now; as opposed to the Underagers Nursery it was before.

Pft the young folk in Troon have no where to swing their trousers now... And only a couple of 'pubs' which are 'pubs' .. The rest trending towards the fashionable bar - bistro.

I tell you what tho - thirty years ago we had a 'bar bistro' but bloody hell it was a dang site more entertaining than the ones you get nowadays!  We didn't half get up to some.....

(That was the logo 'get Up to some.... Shenanigans)

But hey. We do have something to look forward to (apart from the influx of rich folk watching the Gowf).... The now- empty PO ferry terminal is being used as a 'drive in cinema' in July; first showing JAWS... By the sea.  I smell something fishy!

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