Copenhagen and Me.

By RtCph

Sentimental Sunday

I first visited Scandinavia nearly twenty years ago when a mate of mine moved here and got married in Sweden. Whilst on the trip another mate got a job and moved here shortly thereafter. I liked Sweden but when we went on a trip to Norway and way up into the Arctic Circle, I fell in love with Norway and the norwegians (and the scenery deserves an award).

A short story; We arrived in Narvik off the train, hungry and asked the first local we saw where we could eat some local food, you know.... like the locals eat. He pointed at the pizza place and said "that's pretty good". To be fair, it's the only pizza house I have ever been where there was a whale pizza on the menu.

Anyway, one year on and the shock is still there and hammered home, somewhat, by yet another incident of equal incomprehensibility in Denver.

Finally, thank you for the many hearts, stars and comments on yesterday's Blip. It's become one of my top 10 Blips, which is nice.

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