Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

Sleeping beauty

Once we finally got Henry settled in bed he slept until 4.30am by himself - it seems like we're finally getting somewhere!

He's really suffering with what I think is hayfever - we're off to London tomorrow for his EAT study appointment and he's having skin prick testing so he's not been allowed any piriton for the last week. His eyes and nose are streaming and he's coughing a lot too, it will be interesting to see what he's like tomorrow night once he's had some piriton. Between us Neil and I have asthma, eczema, hayfever and food allergies so it's likely Henry has inherited at least some of these, poor boy.

Today's blip is Neil and Henry having naptime - Neil wasn't keen on cosleeping but I got a text while I was in asda saying that they were spooning!

Neil has gone for a boys night to watch batman so Henry and I are relaxing in front of peppa pig and reading books. Early night tonight in anticipation of a long day in London!

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