Mr Cardinal

Mr Cardinal comes to the feeder most evenings to eat.  He looks much more handsome in this shot!  

I started my day, before even getting out of bed, by checking the Scottish election results on my iPad.   Since my Dad is such a strong SNP person I called him and when he answered the phone instead of saying hello I said "So Orkney is once again Lib-Dem"  He made a comment about bad news traveling fast and passed the phone to my Mum!  I told my Mum I guess my Dad didn't want to talk to me since I rubbed in the sad news.  My Mum and I then chatted for an hour.  It was great.  My Mum is never chatty.

I then got a phone call from my Mum's younger sister, Linda, and we chatted for about 30 minutes.  She had heard that I had some photos of my cousin Ian, who passed away last month, and wanted to know if I would send her copies.  Ian was the eldest child of my Mum's elder sister Edith.

Went for my Friday lunch date with Birgit (and her daughter Maddie, who was home from college).

This is Neenah in her favourite napping place.

Oh look . . . a hummingbird by the feeder!  Sorry, I just had to.  Have a great weekend everyone.  

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