Sigismund Schlomo Freud
160 years ago today Sigmund Freud was born in Freiberg in Mähren, Moravia now Příbor, Czech Republic. Freud is recognised as the 'father of psychoanalysis'.
30 years ago today I was working at the Freud Museum in Maresfield Gardens, Hampstead as an exhibition designer and we were preparing for the official opening in July.
I worked as part of a small team charged with creating an exhibition around Freud's work "The Interpretation of Dreams". Today's blip is my copy of this work which we had to read and decipher (with help from a Freudian psychoanalyst). Inside the book are my notes and scribbles as I
attempted to analyse the analyser.
Each morning when my team gathered together we would recount our own dreams from the night before and subject them to some very amateur Freudian analysis. I remember a colleague claimed she had never had a dream (Freud claimed we dream in order to sleep and dream regularly every night). Then one morning she ran in shouting that she'd had her first dream. Ah the excitement!
So now away to bed, perchance to dream.
Sweet dreams everyone and Happy Birthday Sigi
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