Miracle never cease

By CeeCee

What a day!

I feel human again. Finally seizure free and back in the real world. Whoop whoop! I spent the most fantastic afternoon in Princes Street Gardens watching various different bands as part of the Jazz and Blues festival.

The guys in to top corner were my favourite. But there were samba bands which totally rocked. There were lots of outstanding costumes, forming a sea of colours that totally blew your senses. I took 100 photos, so spoilt for choice. The large puppets were actually part of massive costumes. It was somewhat amusing watching the poor people with these extraordinary costume trying to stay upright when the 'Edinburgh wind' came ablowin' .

The guy in the bright pink shirt is Mr Science, who was doing experiment for the children. So there were whistles and squeals coming from everywhere. There was also a red London bus. Ok I will shut up now, as they say you had to be there. But it was an unforgettable afternoon. And to finish off such a splendid day, it's cherry tomatoes for super :-)

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