The sea

It's there somewhere if you squint a bit.

Work and then the afternoon off for a dog walk, highly irritating supermarket shop, children collection, pudding prep and then perhaps a spot of sitting in the garden. Then bassoon, another dog walk and home.

Then my parents and sister came round for dinner. During this evening we have established that

a. No presents were bought during the recent Irish vacation.
b. When me and Clare were "quite old, about 12 and 9" we ended up on completely different planes to our parents. Apparently quite normal to be on different buses to planes at that age
c. I hadn't really gathered that Brighton might be promoted to the actual Premiership tomorrow. All power to them.
d. There were reported issues with my mars bar chocolate sauce. I am ignoring them.
e. I have perfect taste in garden furniture.

It was a nicely humorous and entertaining evening. My priority now is my wardrobe choice for Benelia's party tomorrow. Is the Diana dress too much?

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