Late blackthorn blossom

No shenanigans with the trains today, so my walk to and from the station going to work was uneventful. Work wasn't quite as productive as I would have liked, spent most of it writing documentation trying to bring conflicting sets of coding guidelines into alignment. I did managed to get a little of my cool object-oriented code done, but a lot less than I would have liked to.

On the way home I was able to take my jacket off and walk home in my shirt sleeves for the first time this year! Summer isn't here yet, but spring has clearly fully sprung rather than just boinged a little.

Today's offering for Flower Friday is a little clump of later blackthorn  (Prunus spinosa) blossom. Unlike normal the blackthorn didn't burst on the leafless trees as normal in April it has sort of dribbled out and is still coming. Now we are in May, hawthorn is coming into bloom, so while in a normal year they are separated in time, this year there is a lot of overlap.

Once at home I made a batch of Thai curried peanut soup, topped with fried plantain. It was a bit fiddly to make, but tastes awfully good. My better half has made it in the past once or twice and I've always liked it. Today was my turn to have a go, and for a change it used real plantain rather than unripe bananas.

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