The Occasional Blipper...

By st3f

PhotoMarathon revisited

Friday started stupidly early. Out of bed as soon as I could hold my eyes open. That was supposed to be 4.15 but ended up being five or so minutes later because I couldn't find any matchsticks to prop my eyelids open. Then, piling into the car, off to the cinema to catch the 5am showing of The Dark Night Rises before heading off to Cardiff for an afternoon of pottering (read staring with dead eyes at the wall of a Starbucks, trying to wake up/sleep/try to combine the both).

Then off to the gallery opening and prize-giving to have a look at everyone else's shots and to ogle the winning entries. Judging an event lie that has to be really hard and, although I rarely agree with all the winning entries generally like the flavour that the judges have chosen. Dave and Em both got shortlisted for individual shots (you can tell because they put a sticker next to anything that was shortlisted).

Finally, the long drive home... made somewhat lengthier by the night-time closure of the A14. It turned out as about a 21 hour day with about 8 hours of driving (and one small 30 min nap) in it. Not too surprisingly, Saturday was mostly written of to sleep and sleepy waking hours.

This shot of a seagull perched on a statue of Aneurin Bevan taken as we wandered around Cardiff.

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