In A Flap!
“You can sit in your house and be a great writer. But with photography the story is outside the door. You have to go and you have to go far.” – Sebastião Salgado
I really enjoy street photography, and looking at the works of masters such as Saul Leiter, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Vivian Maier, etc., One that's not so well known that I'm following and loving his work is Taras Bychko from Ukraine.
I normally use my Fuji X100T but the auto focus isn't as fast as I'd like and I prefer that over 'zone focussing'. However, my little Nikon 1 has astonishingly fast auto focus. I managed to buy a second hand 10mm prime lens (27mm on full frame) quite cheap and wanted to give it a try out. On a walk about Cardiff, not once did it fail. These Nikon 1 cameras were really expensive when they came out a few years ago but I bought mine second hand about 3 years ago, cheaply, and love what it can do.
I normally like to photograph people but when this pigeon flew up at the sight of me approaching I rattled off a frame and luckily caught it in a wide flap. My son phoned asking for him and family to stay Saturday night: No problem, but it put me in a flap as I need to get food and sort things out! Kids, they don't realise we need advance warning!
The results of The Wide Angle Wednesday Challenge for 4 May with tag 26 are as follows in order of preference. Remember, this is just my opinion - I'm not looking for perfection but the idea.....
1. Mindseye ( A lovely vertical panorma of a building)
2. JanetHH (A nice panorama of a University building)
3. Hanullis (Long tree line with super sunburst overhead)
4. Hopeton01 (A vertical wide angle of a vapour trail)
5. JDO (Cemetry with lovely story)
Mention in dispatches:
a) Majoayee (really quirky fisheye shot of a chimney)
b) AJC ( Big sky with yellow field)
For Info:
From 11 May (tag 'widwed27') any theme (to encourage entries) but judging preference given to photo's with 'circle' theme
18 May ( tag 'widwed28') any + theme 'light & shadow)
25 May (tag 'widwed29') any + theme 'yellow'
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