
It's been rainy for 5 days now, not a full on rain, but mist and foggy, sometimes downright wet. Cool too,  barely making it to 50F.   Need some sun soon, but these sunny daffodils help a little.  I am not complaining though, green is everywhere, it WILL get warmer soon.  

Today was full but fun.  Yoga early.  Visit with Ben for his birthday.  Health food store for non-dairy chocolate to make cookies next week in North Carolina (can't wait to see everyone again).  Grocery store.  Picked up my first Quilt Block Of The Month (met an old acquaintance/neighbor I hadn't seen in many years there).  Home to make Moroccan Meatball Soup for tomorrow night - now relaxing and reading the directions on the Quilt block.  Going to sleep well.

Happy Cinqo de Mayo!

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