A Life in the Day

By stayathomemummy

Utter Chaos

Some days, I do not manage my life as well as I might like, and this has been one of those days! There is no particular reason for this, just a combination of things which have caused me to be even more disorganised than usual. Every Tuesday I have a lunch date with one of my best friends which I wouldn't miss for the world, and tonight I am leading a singing rehearsal for the forthcoming carol service at our church. Add to that a hastily snatched few hours in bed this morning after a night's sleep that ended at 4am with Joshua's feed and subsequent reluctance to return to the Land of Nod, the need to express a bottleful of milk for Ben to keep on standby whilst I'm out tonight, a trip to Sainsbury's and a failure to tidy up last night, and the total result is a tremendously messy house.

When I arrived home I was both discouraged and amused by the carnage, and decided a blip was in order; if we were allowed more than one photo, you'd also be able to see the state of the rest of the house. Please enjoy with me the way in which everything has just been tossed onto the floor and coffee table with gay abandon: laundry waiting to be hung up, sheet music for tonight, the baby sling, last night's drinks and snacks, a draft copy of Mother Muir's annual Christmas letter, my porridge bowl from this morning's breakfast, the motor from the expresser, my boots, sundry abandoned tissues and Joshy, sitting cutely and calmly in the middle of the mess with a little smile on his face!

So this blip is sent out as a gesture of solidarity to everyone who's had 'one of those days' today - we're all in it together!

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