Views of my world

By rosamund


So maybe I should have photographed this picture while it was still lying flat on the dining table instead of hung in a corner of the hall but as midnight was approaching and I realised I hadn't blipped it was the best I could do.

We had a lovely day, I got up while the house was still quiet and walked the long way round down to Kempock Street for breakfast. Sadly there were no croissants left in the coffee shop so I took my cappuccino to go (literally took it, I forgot to pay and had to back in red-faced later) and spent a lovely wee half hour with Karen in the wool shop.

The delicious new Rowan magazine is out with lots of lovely fair isle patterns to die for. I'm supposed to be finishing off all the projects for me so I can start my Christmas knitting but one wee tank top in delightfully soft Arran weight won't take long. I had a great time doing one of my favourite things where I choose all my own colours for the pattern - as the fair isle is quite complex it took a wee while to get a good balance for all the shades that need to sit beside each other in the pattern and also need to pop put at certain bits. I didn't have my camera in the shop and I'll need daylight so photo of my lovely yarn will come later.

With only a cappuccino under my belt (along with a 2 mile walk) I went to the nice wee butcher and treated everyone to rolls and sausage. One of our networks stopped working on Friday night and Freya spilled water on her wireless keyboard so we all went out to Braehead, not something I'd normally want to do on a Saturday afternoon but we kept it was quick and painless as possible.

Straight to the apple store so Carlos could get his new dual band router (and I managed to get a beautiful Cath Kidston bag for my macbook air), out to PC world for one funky keyboard, quick zip round the IKea market place so I could get a square frame for this picture which I got in the Loch Fyne gallery in Tarbert on the way to Carradale (also picked up new glasses, toilet seat, bag clips and the obligatory candles) very successful Ikea shop - nearly all essential items and only £22 spent!

None of us do very well with busy shops on a Saturday so I whisked us all off to the haven of tranquility and cake which is Three Sisters Baked in Quarriers Village. It was the perfect spot to relax and regroup after the stresses of shopping and everyone loved the cake. Their dinner menu also met with Carlos' approval so hope for a nice meal out sometime soon.

Homemade pizzas were on the menu for tonight's dinner so while Carlos sorted the network, Noah fitted the toilet seat and Freya sorted the shelves to make space for the glasses and put away all the shopping. After that a quiet night of knitting and wine was in order. I just started a wee dress for my niece whose birthday is next Sunday, hope i can make it in time!

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