Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Trouble Makers

Pip, Dris and Breagh up to no good! Feeling sooo deflated, fed up and tired today. Struggling to motivate myself to do anything. I did crawl into the office and write and send off some long overdue bills, which meant husband could order some fertiliser for the silage field. We have been trying to get lime for it but the delivery charge is working out at over twice the price of the lime itself and we cant justify spending that much. Wondering why the hell I'm farming at this point in time and wanting to escape, it doesn't happen often but when it does I feel so trapped and down about it all. Hoping I perk up tomorrow as I really don't feel like myself at the moment and don't like feeling like this. Because deep down I love it really!

8c 17mph SE easing with rain. Dreary like me!

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