Polly's Pictures

By PollyH

Bit shell shocked

Spent most of the day at the hospital as the surgeon from Oxford was visiting.  I was expecting to be told that I would be put on a waiting list for my operation, but straight away he told me I was going to have a triple by-pass and valve replacement on 7th July!
Delighted, of course, as I should be now OK for the grandson wedding in September and holiday in Portugal in October.  Of course he had to tell me of the percentage chances of things that could go wrong which it is better not to contemplate.  Oodles more medication and I have had to buy a Blood Pressure monitor and keep a diary of the readings.
Fingers crossed that there will not be a strike causing cancellation.  Apparently I should only be in hospital about a week - how clever is that!
This is the room I spent several hours in having my blood pressure checked on a regular basis because it was rather too high (and that was before I was told about the op!)

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