
By briocarioca


We arrived at the club today so HH could vote at the AGM, to find it practically deserted, except for the people who were setting the scene for a wedding. The arrangements of orchids were stunning, as were the wall behind them, completely covered with greenery, and the delicious-looking sweets.

As the number of members  steadily diminishes, the number of committee members becomes ever more ridiculous - and today there were only 6 candidates for 16 places. It's a moot point whether or not the club can survive at this rate.

Straight on home and Sidineia, the caretaker's wife, was a great help peeling apples, making the rice and generally mopping up after me as i made the dinner. A nice simple menu this time, just Tandoori, dal, rice and salad (I know, having salad's a bit odd), followed by a 'pudim' (Brazilian-style caramel custard, made off her own bat by Miracle Maria on Thursday), apple crumble and Hawaiian fruit boats - watermelon and pineapple, served in the hollowed out pineapple shell. And cream, despite the cardiologist suggesting that it ought to be off-limits.

I was even ready when the guests arrived and they were all in splendid form. We had a good and rather rowdy evening, as in true Brazilian style, they all talked at once. The main topics were, of course, the desperate political situation in Brazil and the tragic, disgraceful and unforgivable collapse of the brand-new cycle path last weekend (the party included an engineer and an architect, who had quite a lot of inside knowledge). 

I'd love to just collapse in a heap tomorrow, but I have a translation deadline to meet. Somehow, I think I might not quite make it.

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