Happy days

We took P to school this morning and disaster stuck for poor P. She fell off her scooter and badly grazed her knee. The teachers were fantastic though and patched her up once we got there.

A and I then made our way to music class. He some did some dancing with his friend and enjoyed playing with the scarfs. We went to the park on the way home. A is getting very good at climbing up on the climbing frame and had a great time on the swing asking to go faster and higher!

We had lunch at home and then nipped to the shops to get some compost and plants. My mission at the weekend is to replant all the pots in the garden to get a bit of colour ready for the summer.

A went for a long nap and it was handy that I didn't have to pick up P from school as she had gone round her friends for tea. When I picked her up she told me that she had been to visit year 1 today. She met her new teacher and played for awhile in the classroom. I'm not ready for her to move to year 1 yet!

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