Growing old disgracefully



I've mentioned this song before, but make no apologies for reposting.  It was sent to me some years ago by someone I admire greatly.   In spite of the difficulties his life entailed, he would put the song on with a brave face every morning and go out afresh into a hostile environment.  Schmaltzy as the lyrics may appear, I continue to find its simple message is the way to go, facing each day - whatever it brings  - with a deep seated desire to make peace, extending compassion, friendship and practical support. In the words of Kurt Vonnegut, we are in this together, whatever this is. 

We have experienced a great deal of hurt and distress in one area of our lives recently and it would be easy to be haunted by that, but instead I want to face this day as a new day, an amazing opportunity to change my wee bit of the world with whatever strength I can muster.  It is only one area of our lives, after all - we are very blessed in every other!

I've been thinking recently about all those qualities that we wish to have - wisdom, joy, compassion, serenity...  It occurs to me that it's about intention and engagement - a bit like changing gear.  When we drive an automatic car, the gear change just comes along, but when we are manual we make a choice.  My choice today is that as I am facing a steep hill ahead I will change down, engaging a lower gear so I can crest the hill without over stressing the engine when the time comes.  And maybe I will just sit for a while and smile - until the joy comes. 

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