Lucky Seven Or Last Of The Plantagenets ?

No apologies for more geese .Yesterday we saw one of the Richard's family. In all there were seven healthy goslings. They needed 7 as a lucky number for problem number one came to light once in the water.No way could these little ones get out .The odd couple had a solution of sorts .They got out , mum went back to bed and dad looked around . How hippie can one get?.A boater tried to work out how we could fix a little ramp .Before this could be be done the parents went out on the water ......Things were not looking good .Looks like people out to make a pound or two scooped them and took off in a boat .Parents left  and mother back searching her nest ...Have cycled the waterways looking for the boat ( no joy ) Using search engines have discovered there is a UK business which sells such birds swans etc etc . Real work is too much to do it would appear .Have informed RSPCA of the website .

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