Crisis Trauma Debacle Situation

My Dear Fellow,

Two debacles today. The first when I managed to get all the way to work (a 50-minute commute) only to realise I'd forgotten my work laptop. Sigh.

Then THIS. Stockbridge is currently being dug up while fibre-optic cabling is installed. And also OOPS a water main might have got in the way. The water in our flat died at about 4pm today and stayed off for two hours.

At first, I was not too put out. Heck, who needs water? I'd showered that morning, I'd just washed up and if I needed a drink I could buy water at Scotmid. Water out? Ha. No problem.



"Oh bugger. I need to poop." 

Suddenly the whole thing took on a new dimension of terror as I scoured all of Stockbridge for a working lavvy.

Fortunately Hamiltons was unaffected by the outage. Even more fortunately, no-one noticed me going straight through to the gents to do what needed to be done. But it was a close-run thing.

And our water is now back. How quickly civilisation may have fallen if it had not returned we shall never know.

El Parsones

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