A fishy welcome

With only 21 miles to cover today, we took our time over breakfast. We had a long chat with another couple who had travelled from Cambridge to Kielder to stargaze, and had been out until 1:30am last night having a wonderful time with the staff of the dark park. I think we'll need to do this one day too.

I also showed Blipfoto to our B&B hostess, a keen bird photographer. It sounds like she will be joining us soon.

When we eventually did set off our host handed me a box of eggs from his hens, saying that they were "a present for your mam" - what lovely people!

It took just over 2 hours to reach our final destination. My parents drove to the top of the village to await our arrival and accompany us down the hill, then fed us tea and biscuits at the kitchen table.

In conversation with my parents we discovered that I spent some time in last night's bed and breakfast when it was a pub in the 1970s. We popped in there as a family once and I had a go at pulling a pint. As soon as I was reminded of this I could remember the visit.

My blip is of my new shoal of glug jugs. I bought them from the mother of a friend of my sister a couple of months ago. I'll be taking them back to Edinburgh tomorrow (by car!) to introduce them to the rest of my fish collection.

Exercise today: 21 miles of tandem riding.

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