Mirror Lake

A visit to Yosemite would not be complete without a walk to Mirror Lake, which is not really a lake at all, but a meadow. And a fine walk in perfect weather it was this morning - through the trees, following the river and always surrounded by towering granite.

We had planned to do some more walking later, but in the afternoon rain set in and so we called it a day and returned, quite happily, to our house with its sunny verandah. We are going to be sad to leave this place, it has been so good to relax in the space, cook a few meals and watch the wildlife go by. But we are off travelling again tomorrow and must get packed up ready to go.
I had to blip the reflections, but the Dogwood was beautiful all along the river and we were taken with the Wild Turkey and young as they wandered round the house. (see extras)

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