A heart full of love

It's only just gone 10pm, but I'm already in bed!
A long but smooth day travelling to the UK with Asha - she was the ideal travel companion! Then straight from the airport to the hospital to see Mom. She's doing well but was having a bad day with pain today. My sister & her family were there too & the cousins LOVED being together (have added an extra).
Then on to church this evening, so good to be there again & chat to all sorts of folk - Asha enjoyed it!

As I type this, Danny's in Sa Penya with some of the Roma...feels like another world tonight, sat in my childhood home!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Safe travel.
2) Seeing the cousins reunited again - they passionately love each other!
3) Being in my home Church tonight...so so good to be in that place with those people...just missing Danny.

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