Early start this morning to walk down to the village to catch the bus at 9am going to the Metrocentre.  I had a ticket for a free preview screening of the film " Florence Foster Jenkins ".  The film started at 10.30am so I wandered around the empty malls for a while.  I really enjoyed the film. It starred Meryl Streep - who was excellent  - and Hugh Grant.  It told the true story of Florence Foster Jenkins a wealthy New York socialite and patron of the arts who in 1944 performed on stage at Carnegie Hall.  She loved music and loved singing.  However she was an opera singer notorious for her lack of singing skills. She was absolutely terrible. The film was full of happy moments and also scenes which brought tears. 

Got out of the cinema around 12.30pm and did some shopping.  Bought a Regatta light anorak type jacket - reduced in price from £70 to £35.  I love a bargain.

Made a chicken, lentil and quinoa stew for my tea.  It was Ok but I don't think I will be making it again.

Steps today - 12,998

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