Flowering Cherry

A productive Sunday, I made a new piece of decking with steps for my parents, as their one was old and dangerous. I used the old one as a template and made it from scratch, I was pretty proud of the result. When I lived on a farm, the shepherd that trained me, Len, always wanted to be a carpenter, but his father wouldn't allow it. On the farm, Len always made the hurdles and pens out of wood, and taught me how to do this as well, so whenever I work with wood it takes me back to my roots and always reminds me of 'old' Len. Unfortunately he died about 5 years ago, he was in his 80's.

After I had finished the decking, I took Daisy with my Mum to the beach for a nice walk, the extra is Daisy enjoying digging in the sand. The main photo is of a flowering cherry tree in our garden.

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