Golden Temple

Not quite Amritsir, but this is the mosque in Cairo that Indian Muslims frequent, as well as local Shia Muslims (the minority in Egypt).

The iPad focus got jammed but I still like the feel (as did Dd) so it's the blip of my day.

And it's been a fun day. After a lazy start we decided to head over to our favourite area of Zamalek. Dd had a sudden notion to go for a spin around the Cairo block so we asked the driver to follow a combination of his and our noses on an hour's drive.

It's Coptic Easter Day here and there's a two day national holiday that coincides with these celebrations so the roads were all but deserted and we zoomed about here, there and everywhere without hindrance.

I don't think I've ever referenced both our journal names in a single blip before but as, since yesterday, we now have twelve years blipping between us, it seems the time to do so!

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