Visitors Day

Just back from a good day up at Blair Atholl visiting #1 Son at Scout Camp, taking him out for something to eat, replenishing his food, emptying my wallet and topping up his supply of currency and most importantly taking away his stinking clothes and replacing with fresh ones for the next week.

Mrs P was almost in tears at one stage, he looked so different, had a bounce in his step and seemed very happy. Sleeping in a tent right next to a tent full of Norwegian girls has nothing to do with it, oh no, no girls dad.......then two other girls shouted over asking if he wanted a hug....hummm...

Bumped into Scobes who's there with his troop and who was letting people pose with his olympic torch, so got shots of both kids and the outlaws (who came with us) with it.

Some Canadian guy made me laugh when he was speaking to Scobes:

Canadian: "So, are you part of the Olympic organising committee"
Scobes: "Naw, i just ran with it"
Canadian: "So, are you like one of the athletes?"

He was deadly serious as well. I just about pmsl at that point.


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