Stupid storm

I was awoken at 2 am by a very stressed out pooch. He was breathing on me and trying to squeeze his rather large self into a small space alongside my bed.

I got up, gave him pats, turned a few lights on and tried to put his mind at rest, but he would not be comforted.

The storm, which had woken him and, subsequently, me got louder and more impressive as an hour passed and then another half an hour. I took Cousteau out onto the balcony to watch the impressive lightning show.

Eventually, the storm subsided and so did Cousteau's crazy heart-beat.

I got back to sleep at around 3:45 am. 

6:23 am and that nose was back again. He barked at me to get up and was rather surprised when I growled at him and turned over to go back to sleep. He was wide awake!

I carried on with my day, doing a spot of shopping, washing Cousteau and making Thai pumpkin soup for dinner. Cousteau and I had a lovely walk in the dog park, where he played with and barked at a number of other pooches. He also rolled in something - that grey mark on his noggin is I have no idea what! Came off fairly easily though, so that was good.

Little Miss' auntie SD came over for a chat and then Little Miss came home from her mum's.

We nipped to a nearby park so that Little Miss could practise kicking her new AFL ball. Of course, I was about as much use as a chocolate teapot, so I just watched her and held a rather restless Cousteau's lead.

The fire's on tonight; more to dry the washing than anything else, but it sure does make the place feel cosy.

Mr B and Miss MB are home tomorrow. It sounds as if Auckland has been a success, so we're looking forward to hearing all about it.

Night all.


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