Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK


It seems like we just got here and we’re packing up to leave in the am.  Have to blip this eagle that I managed to catch while in the rowing boat.  Sitting on a tree nearby to the nest (the extra) where you can barely see a whitehead and yellow beak.   If you want to see excellent photos of nesting eagles —go to Musings’ journal. I was happy to get 2 sort of sharp eyes... I’ll watch for the baby…

Have been enjoying Happy Valley on netflix all week  but couldn’t really get that Yorkshire accent..sorry blip friends.—but I must say it was a LOT easier to understand what was going on after I remembered there were English subtitles possible!  duh.:-)

A trip in to Galiano for a new bilge pump for the little boat and dirt…. the marina opened this weekend and looks well stocked! Yum. Frozen Smoked tuna loin.

Our neighbors say they have freshly caught spot prawns,   Off we go….

2nd extra.. very clear water today can see the bottom way out... here off dock with tube worms..

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