See the Light, On Your Face, Let it Shine......

The best of days, the longest of days. 

It had always been our intention to head to the zoo today, I haven't seen a Panda, and I wanted desperately to see one. 

Toolibelle text me this morning and said "I have a surprise for you, but you got to wear sensible shoes.... and we have to be there by 1230. 

So we dived in the car and drove, hit Edinburgh, picked up Toolibelle, stopped at Bonk and Family,, yes, that is a company name; and then headed to the zoo. 

We got word that the Koalas weren't too brilliant and so would only be open for a short period of time;  So we ran up the hill, discovered their habitat, got a lovely look at them, and then headed back down the hill, to the Penguin Rock. 

Where we were met by the Lovely Callum, who allowed us to wash our soles in disinfectant and then enter the penguin enclosure where we were allowed to feed the lovely, lovely penguins for over 45 minutes. 

Its a very strange process, they like you to "feed" them, quite literally push the fish right down their throttles.  There were mostly Gentoo penguins but then to my utter delight the Emperor Penguins waddled from the water and walked very properly up towards us. 

Oh the thrill... Callum did tell us to watch our fingers when they came forward, but they were perfectly lovely!   I did love the little Gentoos though, and their funny little waddle, and their poo's which shot out over a foot.   I didn't even mind penguin snotter when they sneezed.  My hair is still knotted where it hit! ;-)

After a lovely time in the enclosure, we then took our place and watched the penguin parade, Lots,of the penguins taking a wee wander round the play park.   Amazing to watch.   The Emperor Penguins came too, which meant the walk took probably twice as long as it should have done, and we were ably informed by Callum who walked backward, and gave us loads of information.  

After that, we ate, and then headed to the top of the zoo for panoramic views across the city.  It was at the top of the hill my fitbit vibrated and said "10,000  steps"  woooo woo 

We seen the Tigers, and the Lions, and the Chimps, and the Lemurs, Caught a glimpse of the Giant Anteater... Warthogs, kangaroos, Zebras, pelicans... and then it was time for the Pandas. 

The Lady panda was indisposed. .... She is hours away from coming into season, and a group of experts are studying her closely and measuring pee... 

But Yang Guang . .... was outside, marking out his territory, and searching out other Pandas and then was treated to an afternoon snack of Honey, Apples and carrots.

The Edinburgh Zoo keepers are the best in the world. I like to ask questions and I asked questions all the time, and not one of them said "shut up", even when I asked Callum how long the penguins  were pregnant for - I knew they lay eggs, I wanted to know how long the eggs waited for before they hatched. 

There was a squirrel in the Panda enclosure and I was wondering if the Pandas might catch and eat them, but the keeper said, Yuan Guang probably wouldn't he had a rather sensitive stomach; but Tian tian would  - and did frequently catch birds and eat them.   Don't mess with the Pandas! s

Brilliant day.  Am exhausted.  Absolutely exhausted.  I'll sleep to night. 

Thank you Tooli, Si and Callum :-) 

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