Female Redstart

Eventually succeeded in meeting up with SteinJ this morning. I did not know there were 2 ports in Lutry. I cheerfully accosted a chap sitting on the end of a breakwater as he was wearing clothes and a hat not dissimilar to those Stein wore for his 1,500th blip! I was only 30mins late and a bit frazzled for our eventual meeting.

This is the only decent photo I took with a 300mm, 1:4 pro lens that I have been lusting after! I needed a lot longer time to play with it, finding it very cumbersome compared to my "little" 70 - 300mm lens. I missed more shots than I got and the distant mountains seemed no better than those I usually take so I am not convinced. I returned the lens to the shop unscathed and without handing over huge wads of money. Tonight Stein messaged me, the same lens is a sixth cheaper in Interdiscount compared to the photography shop! Love this blip community, so helpful, bit embarrassing though.

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