
More bloody rain today. It didn't stop. We've already experienced floods here earlier in the week.

We decided to visit a swannery in Abbotsbury which would have been lovely for the kids seeing all the ugly ducklings, except it wasn't lovely as it was pissing down with rain. There's rain and there's rain. Some rain is fun, other rain isn't. It didn't stop. We were cold. We were beginning to feel slightly depressed and I was muttering under my breath that we are going somewhere with guaranteed sun next year on holiday. However, silver lining and all that, it turned out that we didn't have to pay as it was free due to the fact that the Olympic torch was passing through later that day. Bonus, as it's something that we never expected to see and certainly didn't plan for.

I have no idea who the fellow is but he managed to smile despite the pissing rain. Yes, it hadn't stopped.

PS Sorry about my language.

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