Emerson Builds a Nest

Dear Diary,

Well, it is that time of year. A lot of nest building is happening outdoors so why not inside! Emerson has appropriated my grandmother's afghan and fashioned it into a comfy nest next to me on the couch. It is where I watch television and although Emerson is seldom interested in what's on the tellie, except when there is a nature show on that features birds, he does like to keep me company.

I particularly liked the light and how magnificent his tail looks casually hanging off the sofa. He regarded me serenely with those golden eyes of his whenever I said his name but not bothering to raise his head. He is very use to me and my camera.

Purely a domestic scene this and the kind I love to record in a photograph. These are the small moments we tend to skip over in our daily busyness like overseeing the delivery of the crushed stone yesterday or laying in three more steps in the studio garden. Slowly, the garden is coming to life and progress is being made. It is good to relish these quiet moments too.

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